Detlef Cordes > Songbook 2024 > The Guys Who Did the Dirty Worknächstes Lied >>

Who staged this outrageous coup?
Everybody wants to know.
Who tricked the alarm and the security crew?
Everybody wants to know.

Who has the means to sell the stolen treasure?
Everybody wants to know.
Popular artwork and a value beyond measure
Everybody wants to know.

She is a well respected Lady
everybody knows.
couldn't be further from anything shady
Everybody knows.

The guys who did the dirty work
are in a safe place 6 feet under
the mastermind is a clever jerk
no mistake, no blunder.

The guys who did the dirty work
are underwater with a heavy weight
the mastermind is a clever jerk
and they are now fish bait

The guys who did the dirty work
are deep down in concrete
the mastermind is a clever jerk
and everything went sweet.

The guys who do the dirty work
don't know her name or face
the mastermind is an ice-cold genius
who will ever solve this case?

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